Featuring an eclectic mix of development, design, and industry news; today's staff picks will keep your industry knowledge up-to-date and well-rounded!
Get caught up with the trending tech topics of today with this week's edition of Reader's Corner. Today we're covering a variety of topics from essential Google Analytics alerts, to the announcement of "Vapid" (open source CMS and hosting platform), and finally some legal updates on web accessibility under ADA.
Keeping true to our roots in our 75th edition of Reader's Corner with some very technical picks from our developers! The first staff-share is a neat infographic on why we need HTTPS, then comes the Github.com engineering department's explanation for removing jQuery from their frontend, and finally a great tutorial on all things accessibility.
It's a windy day in NC as a historic Hurricane Florence approaches! So before the power goes out take a look at our themed Reader's Corner edition for the month, which today covers internet search engine optimization (SEO)! Discover the 100 most popular search terms over the last year, Google's new "Dataset Search" tool, and the official announcement of Google's new Search Console graduating out of beta!
Summer is starting to wind down, which means business is picking back up! Our team has made the most out of this past August by attending multiple conferences and events, along with tackling various internal projects. Read further to hear about David and Stephen’s presentation at Drupal GovCon, see our most recently completed project summary, and learn about our most recent initiative towards incentivizing the DesignHammer team and boosting office morale.
We are really excited about this week's edition of Reader's Corner! Today's articles span a variety of interesting topics, such as the future of autonomous driving technology, a fascinating review of how  Best Products (a retired showroom retail store company) challenged the "big box" store archetype in the 1970's with postmodern architecture, and a neat tutorial on using the CSS Flexible Box Layout.