Reader's Corner No. 77: The Logo Design Revolution, Search Ghost vs. WordPress, and Google Turns 20

Featuring an eclectic mix of development, design, and general tech news; today's staff picks will keep your industry knowledge up-to-date and well-rounded! Our topics of the day include the logo design revolution, Ghost vs. WordPress for content management, and Google's 20th birthday!

The Logo Design Revolution

Frank Yonnetti

Source: The Atlantic

Takeaway: Watching this short video reveals the many years of experience of Chermayeff and Geismar, designers of some of the world’s most iconic logos including PBS, NBC, and National Geographic. Listening to them talk was like having access to their trade secrets. For example when they briefly mentioned what a logo should be: a logo doesn’t have to be a “depiction” of what a company does, it has to be the “identity” for the company. It has to be a shape that is memorable, bold, and simple.

Tags: #Logo, #Design

Search Ghost vs. WordPress: A Purist Blogger's Dilemma

Allen Freeman

Source: CMS Wire

Takeaway: Ghost continues to gain relevancy in the CMS (Content Management System) space as a blogging platform, but has a way to go before it will reach feature parity with Wordpress.

Tags: #Development, #Coding, #CMS


Google Turns 20: How an Internet search engine reshaped the world

David Minton

Source: The Verge

Takeaway: September 27th, 2018 marked the twentieth anniversary of Love it or hate it, there is no denying the company has earned a place as one of the most influential, and successful companies in modern history. The Verge looks at some of the most significant milestones for Google, including product launches, legal battles, and business restructuring. Now a subsidy of Alphabet, through smart home technology and autonomous cars, Google is guiding our lives in the real world, as much as the virtual.

Tags: #Google

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