I always enjoyed superhero comic books as a kid. I especially loved Spider-Man. The fun, joy, and feeling that this could be a job l love to do motivated me to pursue design as a vocation. Working in corporate settings doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy design. Let’s talk about why.
Thanks to the evolution and accessibility of artificial intelligence tools, it appears that propaganda machines are getting smarter. This story is a very light example of how artificial intelligence can have real-world consequences, however unintended they might be.
As someone who has been working on digital accessibility for over twenty years, it was great to see a blog post from AIGA, The Professional Association for Design, on not only the importance of designing for accessibility, but doing so from the start of a project, as well as in collaboration with disabled users.
Running into issues tracking what you want in Google Analytics? Take a look at the Google Measurement Protocol for the ability to track data to Google Analytics outside of the standard tracking code implementations.
As our culture becomes more and more dependent on technology to drive our everyday interactions, and that technology is increasingly offered by a few massive tech companies, people are beginning to feel the pains of ‘messing with the big boys’.
Including “How to” content in your marketing strategy can help attract your potential audience and fill out content at different stages of your sales funnel.
In the light of increased racial sensitivity, leading software companies such as Red Hat are reconsidering the inclusion of controversial jargon, such as “master/slave” and “whitelist/blacklist” in software systems, while others have already done so for years.