Stephen Pashby's presentation to the Association Executives of North Carolina members about reaching member’s mailboxesinstead of hitting the SPAM filter.
Reader’s Corner No. 80: The End of Google+, Stop Building Websites with Infinite Scroll, and How to Get Things Done When You Don’t Feel Like It
Interesting topics of the day include the death of Google+ (how many of you actually use your Plus account anyways?), the persistent and overused infinite scroll feature as a web design choice, and something anybody can relate to–how to get work done when you don’t feel like it.
Reader's Corner No. 79: Voldemorting: The Ultimate SEO Dis, Why the iPhone X is a Whole New Camera, and Visual Studio Code Updates
Featuring some interesting developments in tech and communication, in today's RC we touch on the recent and conceptual online terminology of "Voldemorting" and how it relates to SEO, then we take a look at the new iPhone X's photography capabilities, and finally we top everything off with the Visual Studio Code updates for September.
Reader’s Corner No. 78: How to Build a Low-Tech Website, 11 Great Examples of Ecommerce Nav, and the Next Iteration of Vue.js
Our featured article of the day is a how-to guide on energy efficient, low-tech web design. Then a great depiction of the exceptional navigational designs of various e-commerce websites, and lastly a sneak peek of what’s coming in the next major version of Vue.
Reader's Corner No. 76: Google Analytics Alerts for SEO Specialists & Web Agencies, NodeJS micro-CMS "Vapid" Announced, Senators Seek Clarity on ADA Web Accessibility
Get caught up with the trending tech topics of today with this week's edition of Reader's Corner. Today we're covering a variety of topics from essential Google Analytics alerts, to the announcement of "Vapid" (open source CMS and hosting platform), and finally some legal updates on web accessibility under ADA.
Reader's Corner No. 74: 100 Most Popular Keywords on Google, Google Dataset Search, and New Search Console Graduates out of Beta
It's a windy day in NC as a historic Hurricane Florence approaches! So before the power goes out take a look at our themed Reader's Corner edition for the month, which today covers internet search engine optimization (SEO)! Discover the 100 most popular search terms over the last year, Google's new "Dataset Search" tool, and the official announcement of Google's new Search Console graduating out of beta!
Get through your afternoon slump this Thursday with a little bit of light reading and learning! In today's issue of Reader's Corner, we will be covering a new battery technology that doesn't catch fire, how to write unmaintainable code, and give you a quick look into the Aqua user interface screenshot library.