This week we are back in full swing after the holiday, and sharing some of our favorite articles from the week. We are covering keeping up with new technology, accessibility according to people with disabilities, 5 common project management mistakes with multiple projects, and AIGA design inspiration.
Happy 4th of July! While most of our office is out of town celebrating the holiday, we wanted to make sure to share some of the interesting articles we've been reading. This week we're talking about Google's visit and click data, how to draw realistic butterflies, a blog about culture and typography, and about the recent website accessibility case - Gil v. Winn Dixie Stores Inc.
Helvetica is celebrating it's 60th anniversary! In addition to this exciting news, we are sharing about Google's AMP, foolproof project plans, and a Photoshop shadow tutorial.
This week is full of presenting and attending conferences, and we look forward to all the new ideas and fresh perspectives. Keep a look out for those insights next week. We have some interesting articles to share with you from last week, including: iOS each Navigation, deleting a Google My Business listing, effective briefs, and hacking yourself.
We hope your Memorial Day weekend was wonderful and that you're ready to hit the ground running this week! This week for our Reader's Corner we will be discussing judging utility and innovation, Forbes' new PWA (Progressive Web App), and a 30 day JavaScript challenge.
We have a lot of interesting articles to share this week with you. We have an easy to use tutorial on how to use Vue.js 2 + Firebase, and how to improve your site's performance moving beyond Google's PageSpeed Insights. We also address the dreaded change management and how to fix it, and wrap up with a recently slowed down global cyber attack.