Reader's Corner No. 28: Vue.js 2 + Firebase, Beyond PageSpeed Insights, How to Fix Change Management, and Stopping Global Cyber Attacks

Jeanette Larsen

We have a lot of interesting articles to share this week with you. We have an easy to use tutorial on how to use Vue.js 2 + Firebase, and how to improve your site's performance moving beyond Google's PageSpeed Insights. We also address the dreaded change management and how to fix it, and wrap up with a recently slowed down global cyber attack.

Vue.js 2 + Firebase

Frank Yonnetti


Takeaway: A great, easy to follow, tutorial on how to use Firebase with Vue.js. It amazes me what Vuejs can do, and how you can do most things with just a little amount of code.

Tags: #Vuejs, #Firebase

Faster Sites: Beyond PageSpeed Insights

David Minton

Source: The Moz Blog

Takeaway: Google’s PageSpeed Insights is an easy-to-use tool that offers an easy way to test website performance. In additional to being a “signal,” a factor Google uses to determine search engine results, faster page load yields better user experience. While many focus on optimizing page code and referenced files such as images, improving latency, the time it takes between a user request and server response can make an even greater difference. Don’t pass up on all the opportunities to improve performance by overlooking latency, and some easy ways to decrease it.

Tags: #SEO, #Analytics, #Google

Why Change Management Sucks (And How to Fix It)

Michael Nicholson

Source: Wrike Blog

Takeaway: Managing change within an organization is a delicate and difficult task. Many traditional methods of affecting change do not alter underlying behaviors and opinions, and as such do not get the level of buy in that leadership would like.

To affect deeper change, the whole team needs to be aligned together in support of the change. There are a few guiding principles in this article to help reach this state:

  • Assess Readiness
  • Be Transparent
  • Address Concerns
  • Measure Success
  • Keep Evaluating

Keeping this in mind while moving a company through changes can improve the overall quality not only of the buy in of the team, but also in the final change that is made.

Tags: #ProjectManagement

How to Accidentally Stop a Global Cyber Attack

David Gouch

Source: MalwareTech

Takeaway: A short tale of how one man put a major dent in the global spread of the WannaCrypt malware last week. Malware sometimes tries to detect if it's being analyzed and so stops itself from running. This security analysis used the malware's test against itself to stop it running everywhere. (For now.)

Tags: #Security

Is your site prepared to handle a cyber attack? DesignHammer is here to help you improve your site's security.

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