Reader's Corner No. 29: Recorded Sound and Innovation, Forbes' Progressive Web App Mobile Site, and #JavaScript 30

Jeanette Larsen

We hope your Memorial Day weekend was wonderful and that you're ready to hit the ground running this week! This week for our Reader's Corner we will be discussing judging utility and innovation, Forbes' new PWA (Progressive Web App), and a 30 day JavaScript challenge.

At The Dawn Of Recorded Sound, No One Cared

David Gouch

Source: All Things Considered

Takeaway: "Ok, but how is that useful?" has been a dismissive judgment since the beginning. Even of things that we consider obviously useful today. Like recorded sound. Good to remember that obvious utility isn't a day-one discovery — sometimes it takes decades.

Tags: #Innovation

Inside Forbes: Voilà! Our Digital Future Starts Today With A Bold New Mobile Site

David Minton

Source: Forbes Business

Takeaway: Forbes shows off their latest incarnation of their mobile website,, a great example of a Progressive Web App (PWA). Based on Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) technology, the new mobile website is a bridge between mobile optimized websites (such as responsive and adaptive) and compiled apps downloaded from Apple’s iTunes store or Google Play. Look for more PWA websites that offer a more app-like experience such as gesture-based navigation, without the user overhead of downloading updates from an app store. For developers and site owners PWA avoids the cost of development and maintenance across multiple mobile operating systems. We plan to monitor the adaptation of this new mobile option.

Tags: #ProgressiveWebApp, #PWA, #AMP, #Google, #Mobile

#JavaScript 30

Jeanette Larsen

Source: Web Tools Weekly

Takeaway: The course, 30 Day Vanilla JS Coding Challenge, is free and open to anyone interested. The author, Wes Bos, is a believer that to learn and get better at programming you actually need to put in the time and build.

Tags: #JavaScript, #Practice

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