Reader's Corner No. 34: Google's Visit and Click Data, Dead Butterfly Drawings, Culture and Typography, and Gil v. Winn Dixie Stores Inc. Accessibiilty Case

Happy 4th of July! While most of our office is out of town celebrating the holiday, we wanted to make sure so share some of the interesting articles we've been reading. This week we're sharing about Google's visit and click data, how to draw realistic butterflies, a blog about culture and typography, and about the recent website accessibility case - Gil v. Winn Dixie Stores Inc.

A Case Study in Google’s Use of Visit & Click Data

Stephen Pashby

Source: The Moz Blog

Takeaway: Case study of Google using user behavior to personalize search results based on IP rather than Google user account.

Tags: #SEO, #Google

Please, enough with the dead butterflies!

David Gouch

Source: Emily S. Damstra

Takeaway: What do butterflies look like? This article explains how our representation of butterflies with their wings fully spread is unnatural and in fact real butterflies look different from how we draw them.

Tags: #Icons

CULTURE+TYPOGRAPHY: a blog about how culture can affect typography

Jeanette Larsen


Takeaway: This blog, by Nikki Villagomez, is all about the ways a culture in an area effects it's typographic choices. Some content examples include: manholes, murals, graffiti, store branding, handwritten posters, ghost signs, and more.

Tags: #Typography, #Design, #Culture

First Federal Court Rules That Having An Inaccessible Website Violates Title III Of The ADA

David Minton

Source: ADA Title III News and Insights

Takeaway: In what will likely be noted as a landmark case, Gil v. Winn Dixie Stores, Inc., a US District Judge in the Southern District Court of Southern ruled in favor of the plaintiff. The decision is significant in three areas: it is the first trial decision to hold a public accommodation in violation of Title III of the ADA by having an inaccessible website; the draft injunction adopts the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 as the accessibility standard that must be met; and the court did not consider the $250,000 cost of making the website accessible to be an undue burden. Up until now, all the cases I have reviewed (not I’m not an attorney) have either been dismissed, settled out of court, or settled prior to a court ruling. In light of this, we are ramping up our Accessibility consulting capabilities at DesignHammer.

Tags: #Accessibility, #InternetLaw

Do you know if your website is following accessibility laws? We can help you know for sure.

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