As we enter the fall season we'd like to take a look back at some of the accomplishments we made over the summer.
Our staff shares of the week include articles on copyright law, bad SSL configurations, and a summary of how one popular piece of wearable tech was the key to sentencing a near-senile old man to prison for murder.
DesignHammer's staff shares of the week include fast food restaurant feuds, cyber insurance and the rise in randomware attacks, and preparing for Python 2's EOL.
Discovering quirky software surprises, LogoLounge's recent 2019 logo design trend report, and Google's creation of two new link attributes.
David's first article dives into the science behind efficiently maintaining a balanced coffee buzz, his second features previous Apple chief designer Jony I've's historic design fails, and thirdly, he shares his take on a former Moz employee's visual break-down of Google's SEO & link valuation strategy.
AIGA Eye on Design is here to teach you why bad UX design CAN be good for business in their latest porn-inspired column. Then, a Quartz article that shares some of the funniest code projects found on GitHub. And finally, EMT Hillel Wayne breaks down just how exactly a quarter-second computer lag can mean life or death under certain circumstances.