Reader's Corner No. 114: A Designer's Guide to Copyright, Bad SSL, and Fitbit Data Points to Murder Suspect

Hunter Deschepper

Our staff shares of the week include articles on copyright law, bad SSL configurations, and a summary of how one popular piece of wearable tech was the key to sentencing a near-senile old man to prison for murder.

A Graphic Designer’s Guide to Copyright

David Minton

Source: AIGA Eye on Design

Takeaway: I have always found copyright law, of all things, very interesting. I baffled my college Mass Media Law professor when I enrolled in her class as an elective, one despised by my journalism school who needed a passing grade in the required course to continue in there program. Thirty years later, I still pull out the textbook from time to time. So, when I say a review of Copy This Book: An Artist’s Guide to Copyright by Eric Schrijver, I immediately ordered myself a copy. As a business owner, copyright is now something that affects me day-to-day, and curious to review some contemporary thoughts on how copyright is practiced when applied specifically to graphic design.

Tags: #InternetLaw


Jay Roberts


Takeaway: There are many conditions which can render an SSL configuration invalid and insecure. As web developers, we are primarily concerned with delivering valid and secure SSL setups. However, it's useful to see the various ways SSL can be done wrong and how those states appear in various browsers.

Tags: #SSL, #IT

A Brutal Murder, a Wearable Witness, and an Unlikely Suspect

Hunter Deschepper

Source: Wired

Takeaway: I read this story a couple weeks ago when it was first published and it was so captivating I just have to share it! This article, which plays out like a true crime drama, summarizes the strange circumstances surrounding Karen Navarra's murder last September and the corroborating evidence that lead up to the arrest of her elderly stepfather – found in her raw Fitbit data. The trial apparently made headlines, as it was the first instance of a piece of wearable technology actually being used as evidence in a murder investigation. The trial brought up many questions around the ethics, and legality of using a third-party software as evidence to convict someone of such a severe offense, particularly because of the man's deteriorating health, their seemingly good relationship, and the lack of motive. The outcome of the trial left many uncertain as to whether or not this man actually did commit the murder. However, this Black Mirror-esque story does leave thing for certain, if you do plan on murdering someone... make sure their Fitbit isn't there to witness the crime.

Tags: #Technology #WearableTech

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