Thanksgiving Recap

Just a quick Thanksgiving recap of how the DesignHammer team spent their Thanksgivings!

Michael Nicholson


My wife and I visited my father's family in Wake Forest for an early dinner, and then went down to Southern Pines to visit my mother's family. My mother and father were in Southern Pines, so we got to see them as well. The most entertaining part was playing cribbage with my uncle, and despite not having played in many years skunking him. I'm not so sure HE was entertained by that, though... -Michael Nicholson

Stephen Pashby


Our Thanksgiving involved multiple listens to "Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie, Thanksgiving Dinner #1 with my parents, and Thanksgiving Dinner #2 with friends. On Black Friday, rather than shopping, I fenced in the Mid-South Fencers Club Black Friday tournament, finishing 2nd in the mixed saber event. -Stephen Pashby

Black Friday Tournament

Jay Roberts


We had family over and cooked a big traditional dinner. My favorite thing was the homemade apple pie with cheddar cheese. Then, I stayed up late and played video games with my nephews. -Jay Roberts



Amanda Hart


Thanksgiving always involves travel to visit family and friends for me, and this year was no different. Enjoyed a delicious traditional holiday meal (my favorites: dark meat and dressing and mashed potatoes) as well as some relaxing time. -Amanda Hart



David Gouch


Joined family and friends for a meal and fellowship. Then debated whether the car’s bird’s eye view camera is looking at you from a satellite in space. -David Gouch



Hunter Kenny

I was visiting my Fiancé in Europe over the holidays, right outside of Amsterdam, NL. The only sit-down American restaurant that we could find in the area was a TGI Fridays, so we opted for dinner there. In order to encapsulate a realistic Thanksgiving experience, we ended up completely gorging on the 7-8 appetizers and small plates that we had ordered between the two of us. Granted, the food seemed far-less greasy and unhealthy than it may have been in the restaurant chain's American counterparts. So luckily we did not fall into the notorious post--feast-coma that would have certainly incapacitated us had we eaten Thanksgiving dinner at home with my Family. -Hunter Kenny

TGI Fridays Utrecht


Frank Yonetti


We typically head to New York durning the summer, but for the past two years we've been going up for the Thanksgiving holiday. Dinner has been at my cousin's house along with his family, my brother's family and my family. The crazy and yet coolest part is, we are the adults this time. None of our parents, aunts, or uncles go. It's just us and our kids. -Frank Yonnetti

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