Some hot topics tonight in this week's Reader's Corner! Learn about how to fight an algorithm you cannot see, how 2018 SERP Changes are Impacting Organic Search, and How to Research, Monitor, and Optimize for Questions in Search.
WeWork's new branding campaign faces backlash, why editors should consider the transition to structured content, and dominating search engine results by providing quality answers to what users are asking.
Our first Reader's Corner of 2019 covers the fast travel gaming debate, worrisome discoveries in the machine learning field, and a guide to Google's mobile-first indexing initiative.
Interesting topics of the day include the death of Google+ (how many of you actually use your Plus account anyways?), the persistent and overused infinite scroll feature as a web design choice, and something anybody can relate to–how to get work done when you don’t feel like it.
Featuring some interesting developments in tech and communication, in today's RC we touch on the recent and conceptual online terminology of "Voldemorting" and how it relates to SEO, then we take a look at the new iPhone X's photography capabilities, and finally we top everything off with the Visual Studio Code updates for September.
Our featured article of the day is a how-to guide on energy efficient, low-tech web design. Then a great depiction of the exceptional navigational designs of various e-commerce websites, and lastly a sneak peek of what’s coming in the next major version of Vue.