The internet is rapidly shaping our future faster than our societies can adapt. Subject-matter experts weigh in on the future of the internet and speculate; have we passed the internet's golden era? If so, then what lies ahead?
To promote an understanding of history and context amongst other things, we are happy to provide an opportunity for Joe Pipkin, a friend from the Durham community, to share his perspective on Juneteenth
In the past several years, Google has broadened the criteria it assesses pages by to determine whether they are “good” content for users and has attempted to quantify this assessment into its search ranking algorithm. Google has announced the upcoming incorporation of its identified “Core Web Vitals” into a set of signals known as “Page Experience” that is slated to be incorporated into the algorithm next year.
DesignHammer's new 2020 Spotlight Series touches on how some of our clients are adjusting to the current COVID-19 pandemic. This week we take a look at Duke PHMO (Population Health Management Office) and how they have pivoted to keep patients connected and providers empowered through the facilitation of programs such as DukeWell and Duke Connected Care.
DesignHammer's new 2020 Spotlight Series touches on how some of our clients are adjusting to the current COVID-19 pandemic. This week we take a look at Strategic Partner CED (The Council for Entrepreneurial Development) and how they have pivoted to re-engineer their annual Venture Connect Conference to Venture Connect online, debuting Monday, May 5th.
As a web development agency, utilizing internet technologies is our day-to-day focus, which is why as web experts we feel it’s our duty to hold conversations with those who may be struggling to identify new projects and/or refocus their business strategy to accommodate working from home in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.