What Will the Internet Look Like in 2030?

Hunter Deschepper

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Here is a fascinating article from October 2019 depicting the projected "future of the internet", and how society will shape and will be shaped by its development in return. Since this article was posted late last year, several historic shifts (namely the coronavirus pandemic and black lives matter protests) have begun, and it's safe to say we are already seeing exactly how broad access to the internet is both fueling, and altering these shifts in real-time.

All of the internationally qualified interviewees in this piece are subject-matter experts in their field, and it is very interesting to see how each of their backgrounds has shaped their predictions, which all vary heavily in terms of scope and focus. Some of these experts are quite pessimistic about the future of the digital world, others are more hopeful and idealistic in nature. So, which of these expert forecasts do you personally fall most in line with?

Original gizmodo post image

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