Caroline's Blog Posts

Email marketing is a highly successful avenue for getting messages across to customers and prospects, but there are several factors that could turn a successful campaign idea into an ineffective email marketing effort if not executed properly. In his presentation at the Internet Summit in Raleigh, Michael C Bird of NetProspex highlighted seven important points to keep in mind when setting up your next e-mailing.
To promote DesignHammer's sponsorship of Internet Summit 2010 at the Raleigh Convention Center on November 17–18, the company will be providing three chances to win a Apple TV.
Last year I started thinking about the similarities between Usability, Accessibility, and SEO, and posted the first of what I hoped to be a series of articles on the subject. Since then, I assembled a talk, which I presented at BarCampRDU in 2009 and 2010 and am preparing to give at Internet Summit 2010 in Raleigh this week. This post will provide some additional resources as well as a copy of my slides.
DesignHammer has recently completed redesign work on Thought Leader Select, now live at Thought Leader Select is a private research and consulting firm that identifies and connects experts in the biopharmaceutical and health care industries.
Habitat for Humanity of Durham recently completed the seventh year of their annual fundraising event, the Halloween 100, sending local participants on a 31-, 62-, or 100-mile ride through Durham to support the organization's home-building projects. DesignHammer Partner, Robert Weeks, talks about his participation with the event and the continuation of fundraising efforts.
One of the often discussed topics in the Drupal community is the site deployment process, and best practices for managing development, staging, and production environments. In this post, I am going to explain part of our approach for a particular project and how hook_update_N() made our lives a bit easier.