Stephen's Blog Posts

March 4th — Every Friday at DesignHammer, we take time after a long day of designing cutting edge websites to sit down and have a gourmet beer tasting. This week Jay brought us Moylan's Kilt Lifter, a Scotch style ale.
I'm halfway into my first DrupalCon in Chicago and I'm waiting for the Automated Testing and Drupal workshop to begin, so I thought I'd post a quick update on my time at DrupalCon.
How is Search Engine Optimization like attempting to outrun a rampaging bear? Take a deep breath, relax, and focus on the big picture, not the huge bear looming over you…
David Minton, Managing Partner of DesignHammer, has been honored by Business Leader Media as one of the 2011 Top Catalyst Entrepreneurs of the Triangle. The Top Catalyst Entrepreneur Award is given to dynamic and outstanding business professionals who greatly contribute to the growth of their communities.
February 25th — Every Friday at DesignHammer, we take time after a long day of designing cutting edge websites to sit down and have a gourmet beer tasting. Today Frank chose Dogfish Head’s Sah’tea for us to sample. Sah'tea is a modern beer inspired by a 9th century Finnish proto-beer.
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to guest lecture before the Web Design students at Wake Technical Community College on the similarities between Usability, Accessibility, and SEO, a topic I first addressed here in 2009. Since my initial blog post, I assembled a talk, which I presented at BarCampRDU, and at Internet Summit 2010 in Raleigh last November.