's Blog Posts

A new iPhone application for the Warcraft Trading game, developed and designed by DesignHammer's Jay Roberts and Frank Yonnetti, is now available.
A peek at the search engine optimization tools and resources we use at DesignHammer to perform SEO.
Come out this Sunday, February 21, to see the first ever Niko Cup against Cancer, a soccer tournament organized by local players to support fellow player and friend, Niko Harlan, in his battle with brain cancer.
DesignHammer recently completed a redesign of the historic Carolina Theatre website.
Best wishes for the holidays and have a Happy New Year!
The mobile devices market moves so quickly it’s often hard to keep up and while some industries enjoy a certain amount of brand loyalty, technology lovers are a fickle group. Blackberry has maintained a significant following for several years and although it is still the popular choice for many business-oriented users, iPhone has taken the market by storm and gained a huge amount popularity this past year.  While not the only available touch screen Smartphone, it has been the best marketed. Until now, that is.