DesignHammer Redesigns Thought Leader Select Website

Durham, NC - DesignHammer has recently completed redesign work on Thought Leader Select, now live at Thought Leader Select is a private research and consulting firm that identifies and connects experts in the biopharmaceutical and health care industries.

This redesign marks the completion of the third project between DesignHammer and Thought Leader Select. The client first approached DesignHammer in early 2010 to provide a comprehensive redesign of the site including design work, SEO analysis, and reconfiguring the site to use a content management system (CMS).

Designer and leader for the Thought Leader Select project Tevan Alexander commented, “Converting their static site into one that uses a CMS was satisfying because WordPress empowers them to take control of their content. Kristen Smithwick and Brian Castle, who led the client’s team, were great about conveying their vision for the website and the end result was something that effectively integrated the form and function they were seeking from the redesign.”

The new site has been built in WordPress, a well-known blog publishing application that is currently one of the most popular content management systems. With WordPress, administrators from the company have full access to managing and editing content, which is a major incentive for the site overhaul. The structure of the site is now more intuitive with an aesthetically pleasing design that enhances the user experience.

Kristen Smithwick, VP of Global Sales, Marketing & Strategic Planning for Thought Leader Select, stated about this latest project, “We wanted our new site to echo the internal growth we’re experiencing, showing outwardly that we are a full-service provider that is sophisticated and professional. Thanks to Tevan and his team, the site does just that. We love the new colors, more expressive photos and more dynamic look and feel of the whole site.”

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