Caroline's Blog Posts

Get more opinionated online and it can help you get better customer service. The social media analytics service Klout is quantifying your social influence, so develop your networks and reap the rewards!
DesignHammer will continue its sponsorship of the Raleigh-Durham BarCamp for their Fall 2010 event this Saturday October 23rd. This event marks the fifth time for BarCampRDU and the second consecutive year of sponsorship from DesignHammer.
An email concerning a "Notice of Internet Intellectual Property Rights Dispute in China" seems to be traveling around the Internet recently, spurring a number of clients to contact DesignHammer inquiring what to do. The email in questions seems pretty official. Is it true, SPAM, or a scam? Let's consider the possibilities.
DesignHammer will be sponsoring the 3rd Annual Internet Summit held in Raleigh this November 17-18. The two-day conference will feature presentations from top level executives in the industry discussing a range of Internet and technology topics.
This month David Minton, Managing Partner of DesignHammer, was honored by Business Leader Media as a Triangle 2010 "Mover and Shaker."
DesignHammer was recently honored by being included on Business Leader Media's Top 100 Small North Carolina Businesses list.