David's Blog Posts

Two of our recent WordPress projects have been recognized by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AVIA) with W³ Awards for 2016.
Many clients contemplating a website redesign ask us how we would create a user friendly website for them. The most obvious questions we ask in return are “who are your users” and “what do they want to do?” This leads us to the often underutilized field of website usability.
DesignHammer has made the Triangle Business Journal’s lists of top Internet Marketing and Design Firms and Graphic Design Firms in the Triangle fifteen straight years.
Websites are often likened to field of architecture, whether in describing content organization (i.e. site architecture) or the act of “building a website” akin to that of a structure. Two of America’s greatest architects, Louis Henry Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, opined on the concepts of form and functions. Inquire with either of these masters and they would undoubtedly say you need to understand the purpose, function, and intended audience before you can focus on appearance. So why is this not the norm in website design and development projects? Through years of experience working with clients developing websites to overcome organizational obstacles we have refined a process for gathering critical information. By determining what the website needs to do, we can design a blueprint to build a website with measurable success.
Websites are often likened to field of architecture, whether in describing content organization (i.e. site architecture) or the act of “building a website” akin to that of a structure. Two of America’s greatest architects, Louis Henry Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, opined on the concepts of form and functions. Inquire with either of these masters and they would undoubtedly say you need to understand the purpose, function, and intended audience before you can focus on appearance. So why is this not the norm in website design and development projects? Through years of experience working with clients developing websites to overcome organizational obstacles we have refined a process for gathering critical information. By determining what the website needs to do, we can design a blueprint to build a website with measurable success.
DesignHammer is super excited to sponsor DrupalCon 2016 in New Orleans! To celebrate, we are giving away an Apple Watch! For a chance to win, follow these simple steps!