David's Blog Posts

Call them resolution, intentions, or self improvements, now is the time of year many people set goals in the personal and professional lives. At DesignHammer, we are constantly striving to improve our process so we can help our clients overcome business obstacles with a better return on investment.
Some highlights from our readings this week include: improving staff pages, using a calendar, and being well-rounded.
Members of the DesignHammer team share interesting reads, with a wide variety of topics. This week includes: avoiding project disasters, death of curly quotes, resolutions, performance budgets, and modular design.
In a constantly changing field, it is important to stay on top of industry standards. DesignHammer team members share some insights and take aways this week on project management fundamentals, accessibility law, data-driven SEO fixes, and getting past the planning stage.
In the office this week we read about accessible typefaces, dogfooding, estimates, and mapping population.
We have a variety of topics this week ranging from negative ranting in open source communities and project management pitfalls to psychological conversion techniques and avoiding SEO mistakes.