Who wants to win an Apple Watch at DrupalCon New Orleans?

DrupalCon New Orleans 2016DesignHammer is super excited to sponsor DrupalCon 2016 in New Orleans! To celebrate, we are giving away an Apple Watch! For a chance to win, follow these simple steps!

Contest rules:

  1. Stop by the DesignHammer table (709) in the Exhibition Hall at DrupalCon 2016 and pick up one of our limited edition DesignHammer DrupalCon stickers.
  2. Tweet @DesignHammer a picture of the DesignHammer DrupalCon sticker in a fun and interesting location (e.g. on your laptop, partying in NOLA, etc.). Please keep the pics safe for work!
  3. To be eligible, be sure to tweet @DesignHammer, include our hashtag (#DrupalConDH), and link to these instructions!

Sample tweet:

@DesignHammer is giving away an Apple Watch at DrupalCon! Learn how to enter: bit.ly/drupalnola #DrupalconDH

Apple Watch SportWe will contact the winner on Friday 5/13/16 to confirm shipping address and the winner’s choice of Apple Watch Sport*.

While you are here, is your digital presence delivering measurable results? Ask about our Digital Strategy Review.

* Apple Watch Sport (up to $349.00 retail)

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