Tiffany's Blog Posts

This July, I got to experience my first deep-dive into Drupal culture by attending Drupal Camp Asheville 2020. The biggest takeaways for me came from the sessions on accessibility and productivity.
One of DesignHammer's core values is to encourage our team members to embrace different wellness activities. Recently several members of our team joined "The Conquerer" fitness challenge and added daily walking to our regular fitness routines. Follow along with our journey here.
DesignHammer has recently been more involved with All Things Open, a national group that curates events and platforms focused on open source software, technologies and the web. As primary experts on the open-source Drupal and WordPress platforms, we felt like this was a natural partnership in the making.
DesignHammer had the opportunity to participate in and sponsor the annual Thrive conference, presented by the Raleigh chapter of AIGA (the American Institute of Graphic Arts). Nearly 350 artists, designers, brand experts, exhibitors, sponsors and more attended the event in Durham. Follow along with the three DesignHammer conference attendees as they each recount their individual experiences and takeaway in our latest blog post.
In this recap post, we'll take a look at the inner lives of DesignHammer's employees, and explore how each of them chose to enjoy their holiday break.