Finding a web designer is easy. Finding a good web designer that will deliver results is more difficult. Even tougher is contracting a great agency. The best are in demand and selective in who they choose to work with. Since reputation is everything in our industry, the best will only consider projects that have a high likelihood of success.
Wow, another month here and gone. And given how busy it’s been around the office it shouldn’t be a surprise. We wrapped up a few projects and others are about to begin. And with the holidays on the horizon, we’ll need to make time for a little end-of-year partying.
DesignHammer team members share some of their favorite Thanksgiving dishes and recipes, including a few non-traditional items and spins on the classics.
Join us today, November 9th, in celebrating World Usability Day along with others around the world to ensure that the services and products important to life are easier to access and simpler to use. There will be dozens of events across the globe. We would like to share some of the most common problems we encounter, as well as some easy ways to make your website more usable.
This week are sharing about our readings on a free, online font pairing tool, the fear of a smartphone dystopia, and how to keep your projects on-time and on-budget.
Jay builds on the lessons learned previous post to show how to build an autocomplete dropdown using Vue.js in Part 3 of our series on building reusable components.