For the past few years Drupal has become the CMS of choice for DesignHammer. So much so, that we set aside the time to port our entire website to Drupal. We can finally say that we “eat our own dog food” now.
Internet Summit 10 was a great success with a sold out crowd of approximately 1,500 attendees. Sessions included topics about The Future of the Web, Ecommerce, Email Marketing, Social Media, Mobile, Analytics & Measurement, Usability & the User Experience, Cloud Computing, and Social Gaming. Speakers represented national and local companies of all sizes, sharing their perspective on this quickly evolving world of the Internet.
Here are some thoughts from the team about their experiences at the Internet Summit 10 held in Raleigh. Paul Bredenberg, Frank Yonnetti and Tevan Alexander share their impressions of a few interesting sessions they attended.
Last night DesignHammer hosted the Coder Lounge for Triangle area Drupalers. A small group of us worked on porting several Drupal 6 modules to Drupal 7.
Changes may be in the works in laws covering the collection or use of data that can be connected to website visitors, whether it is a specific person or simply tied to a device such as computer, or mobile phone. Yesterday, Federal Trade Commission staff issued a press release outlining the commission’s recommendations for overhauling how businesses handle online privacy issues.
DesignHammer is proudly continuing its sponsorship of the historic Carolina Theatre in Durham for the 2011 season. Sponsored performances include Natalie MacMaster, The Max Weinberg Big Band, and Cirque Mechanics Boom Town.