What Emotions Do the Colors of Your Brand Evoke?

Hunter Deschepper

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Original Article:
Authored By:
This article was originally published on 9/04/2020


I am excited to share the details of the article I’m sharing this week's Reader's Corner series, but first, allow me to venture down a personal, yet relevant tangent. (Skip to the end to get to the meat of the article)


Quick Flashback

Last year I was at a local conference dedicated to growing, educating, and inspiring sales leaders and marketing professionals in the Southeast. During our lunch break, I initiated a conversation with Stan Phelps, a well-known keynote speaker in the local marketing community whose presentations typically revolve around customer experience, technology, differentiation, and brand purpose.

He began telling me about the latest book in his popular “Goldfish” Series. Each book in the series is a joint effort between him and other contributors, where they share their expertise on various subjects; such as identifying brand differentiation, motivating sales, driving employee engagement, leveraging technology, and many more.

The title of each book in the Goldfish series begins with a color (i.e. “Pink Goldfish). The varying colors in his Goldfish series include Pink, Purple, Green, Blue, Golden, Red, Yellow, Gray, Diamond, and Silver.

I asked him if the colors were chosen based on the content included in each book. I cannot recall his official answer, but it was probably... “yes”. That led us into a fun conversation around the emotional meanings behind different colors, and if we ourselves were a brand, which color would we be and why?

Many of us associate colors consciously or subconsciously with different emotions and meanings. If I go back and review his books and their topics, I get the sense that the colors chosen for at least some of them were intentional. Here are the books in his series with descriptions, and my personal interpretation behind why each color was chosen for each book:

I guess I will have to reconnect with Stan to see if my interpretations were correct, but I’m mostly confident in my answers.

Original Article

So, now that my memory is out of the way, this brings me to the article I chose to share today.

I recently came across an article written by Dawn Matthews, an employee at Avasam (a dropshipping platform), which provided a more structured account of my ramblings above. Her article, “Colour psychology, how colour meanings affect your brand”, provided some neat insight into the unique emotions and connotations of each color on the spectrum, as well as the different brands that use each color.

When developing your brand strategy, the color connotation of your logo should not be taken lightly. Colors possess a unique effect on our subconscious, so you want your brand colors to convey either a relation to your product offering, a reflection of your corporate values, or at least an emotion that your customers will respond positively to.

I suggest checking the original article out, as the author extrapolates on the colors I have listed above, covers some additional colors, and provides other considerations to take into account when rebranding your business.


Brand ColorsImage Source: Unsplash


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