When developing your brand strategy, the color of your logo should not be taken lightly. Every color triggers a unique emotional effect in our subconscious mind, so it is important to make sure the connotations behind the colors in your brand style guide correlate with the message you are trying to convey to your customers.
When developing your brand strategy, the color of your logo should not be taken lightly. Every color triggers a unique emotional effect in our subconscious mind, so it is important to make sure the connotations behind the colors in your brand style guide correlate with the message you are trying to convey to your customers.
Reader's Corner No. 59: Into the Breach was a Nightmare to Make, Coding without a Keystroke, and the History of Color Wheels
After a brief hiatus, we are excited to announce that our Reader's Corner is back in action! You can look forward to seeing a lot more engaging and thought-provoking content from our staff through the remainder of 2018. In this week's issue, we are keeping up with a very "visual" theme, featuring articles related to designing video game UIs, creating a hands-free platform for developing iOS games, and the historical progression of color theory over the years.