Reader's Corner No.13: Faster-Than-Light Communication, Better Layouts and Images, Against Multitasking, Facebook Privacy, and Surviving Social Media

Jeanette Larsen

We work hard to be in the know, and because of that we read a lot. Here’s a list of some topics we’re reviewing this week: faster-than-light communication, better layouts and images, against multitasking, Facebook privacy, and surviving social media.

RFC 6921 - Design Considerations for Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Communication

Jay Roberts

Source: Internet Engineering Task Force RFC

Takeaway: "...In practical terms, this scenario isn't likely to happen for a long time. That said, FTL communication might lead to FTL travel, where we can travel into the past. It may be necessary to start working on this yesterday."

Tags: #Humor

Better Layouts, Better Images

Jeanette Larsen

Source: An Event Apart

Takeaway: "Two speakers address big changes to web design, including layouts and responsive images. Jen Simmons of Mozilla touches on Flexible boxes (flexbox). These are full-feature CSS layout properties.

Responsive images have been around for a while now, but knowing how to handle them is another story. Jason Grigsby of Cloud Four gives and overview of how to use responsive image specifications and breakpoints."

Tags: #ResponsiveImages, #FlexibleLayouts, #CSS

7 Reasons Why Multitasking Is Not the Answer

Michael Nicholson

Source: A Girl's Guide to Project Management

Takeaway: There are a seven identified tradeoffs to multitasking in the article, including loss of focus, increased stress, inconsistent results, and disorganization. Rather than multitasking, the author suggests breaking tasks into manageable chunks which you can concentrate on and check off the list.

Tags: #ProjectManagement

What should you think about when using Facebook?

David Gouch

Source: Vicki Boykis

Takeaway: There’s a general awareness by now that Facebook slurps up all the data it can, but it’s important to be reminded exactly what data that is, because it goes further than we might imagine (at least my own imagination was surprised). For example, I didn’t realize that Facebook stored updates I had started typing but changed my mind on — and that they use those deleted words to inform research articles.

Tags: #SocialMedia, #Privacy

The ONLY lesson from every social media brand fail example ever

David Minton

Source: Search Engine Watch

Takeaway: Search Engine Land suggests the only certainty in social media is that at some point, someone in your organization is going to screw up. While I certainly agree with this sentiment, I feel this is something you should work to avoid, in addition to planning to respond and mitigate when it does happen. Even if you are not active on social media, it is important to monitor for mentions (both positive and negative), and have a plan to respond to anything that goes viral. This includes having accounts on relevant networks, and know who has access and authority to post responses.

The absolute worst thing that can happen is for something negative to go viral on a network you are not active on, and discover someone else has grabbed your company/brand name already.

Tags: #SocialMedia

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