Amanda's Blog Posts

The weather is heating up in North Carolina; summer tends to show up early here. At DesignHammer, the heat and humidity cannot slow us down. We are kicking off the summer months with four Communicator Awards granted by the AIVA, prepping for summer conference presentations, developing new client projects, and supporting our local eateries (one of our favorite pastimes, yum!)
After a busy week full of conferences, we are glad to all be back in the office together. We have a great variety of articles to share with you this week. The topics include: why well-planned projects fail, a year of Google Maps and Apple Maps, Trump's Twitter blocking and the First Amendment, and the complete list of Google penalties.
Here at DesignHammer we’ve been looking at ways to efficiently generate content and distribute it. You may have seen the Reader’s Corner and Monthly Update blog posts over the past few months; these are the products of this effort.
This week is full of presenting and attending conferences, and we look forward to all the new ideas and fresh perspectives. Keep a look out for those insights next week. We have some interesting articles to share with you from last week, including: iOS each Navigation, deleting a Google My Business listing, effective briefs, and hacking yourself.
Spring is now in full swing at DesignHammer. We continue to work hard solving client problems, though are also happy to get out of the office and meet clients, vendors, and prospects at conferences around the country. We have been making submissions to awards, and hope to have some good news in upcoming issues. We even survived one of our local teams winning the NCAA Final Four.
We hope your Memorial Day weekend was wonderful and that you're ready to hit the ground running this week! This week for our Reader's Corner we will be discussing judging utility and innovation, Forbes' new PWA (Progressive Web App), and a 30 day JavaScript challenge.