Reader's Corner No. 53: RSync Basics, Modern Media and Free Will, 7 Ethics Tips for Project Managers, and Designing Readable Tables

After a long Thanksgiving weekend, we are are all fed (okay, overfed) and back at it! This week we have awesome mix of topics to share: RSync basics, modern media and free will, 7 ethics tips for project managers, and designing tables that are readable.

RSync - Remote Synchronization Protocol

Jay Roberts

Source: Jakob Jenkov

Takeaway: We use RSync every day. Many people know how to use RSync, but don't know how it works. This is a great overview of the concepts that RSync is built on.

Tags: #RSync #Tools

Modern media is a DoS Attack on your free will

David Gouch

Source: Nautilus

Takeaway: This interview presents some good perspectives to consider and questions to ask about the services we use. If you consider the possibility that new technology and apps are adversarial, how does that affect your embrace? If you could see the internal metrics dashboard of a social media company, what metrics does it have on it? Do those match their rhetoric. Do those match your life goals.

Tags: #Social, #Attention

7 Ethics Tips for Project Managers

Michael Nicholson

Source: A Girl's Guide to Project Management

Takeaway: While the potential ethical conundrums of project managers is less obvious than that of hiring managers, procurement specialists, or CEOs, it still is important to avoid conflicts of interest or other gray areas.

The author lists seven specific cases to keep in mind:

  1. Disclose your interests
  2. Don't use assets from your last job
  3. Don't leave out information deliberately
  4. Be brave
  5. Challenge decisions
  6. Don't ask your team to do unpaid work
  7. Don't play favorites

Tags: #ProjectManagement, #Ethics

Web Typography: Designing Tables to be Read, Not Looked At

David Minton

Source: A List Apart

Takeaway: An interesting overview of different ways to style tabular data and format tables. While there are many ways to style tables, as with most website design and development tasks, form should follow function, and the design should enhance readability of the data rather than just make is aesthetically pleasing. The post has some real-world examples, with step-by-step improvements, including HTML and CSS starting points. A great starting point for anyone formatting tabular data.

Tags: #Design, #HTML, #CSS

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