Reader's Corner No. 47: Key Reinstallation Attacks, Uncertainty in Project Management, and The Right Way to Select Technology

It's officially State Fair time in North Carolina, which means enjoying tasty food in the 70 degree fall weather we are having. We're still managing to get plenty done in the office. This week we're sharing a few articles we've read about key reinstallation attacks, handling uncertainty in project management, and the right way to select technology.

Key Reinstallation Attacks

Jay Roberts

Source: Mathy Vanhoef

Takeaway: The standard encryption protocol for Wi-Fi networking has been compromised. Ensuring websites are properly configured to run entirely over SSL is an important factor in mitigating _some_ of the impact of this vulnerability. However, victims may still be impacted by a SSL Stripping Attacks. All site operators should consider enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security for much stronger protection.

Tags: #Security

Uncertainty in Project Management

Michael Nicholson

Source: How to Manage a Camel

Takeaway: Uncertainty is a given in projects. If we know everything that's going to happen every time, we're probably working in a trivial space (from the project management perspective, anyhow). People's emotional response to uncertainty varies, both from person to person and based on the specific incident.

Some people see uncertainty and change as an opportunity to adapt and make evolutionary leaps in process, organization, or technique; some see it as a place to panic and become completely reactionary while driving back to the previous status quo.

While ultimately both reactions can have merit, for organizations that are working in actively changing industries it is more helpful to have at least some resources that enjoy being in the evolutionary mindspace. This can be a significant drive in innovation.

Tags: #ProjectManagement. #Uncertainty

The Right Way to Select Technology, An Excerpt

David Minton

Source: A List Apart

Takeaway: Technology selection can be a daunting task. I have experience from both sides: selecting software as an end user for DesignHammer, as well as in answering Requests for Proposals issued by clients and prospects. While there may not be a “best” way for every situation, there are plenty of approaches that are far less likely to yield a successful outcome. In “The Right Way to Select Technology, An Excerpt” the authors propose some best practices, including high level requirements based on Personas and User Stories, as well as ways to avoid, such as listing hundreds of “must have features” to be checked off. They even note the often cringe inducing “must be easy to use” requirement applied to a system that must also provide hundreds of complex features. Any system that needs to be infinitely flexible must be infinitely complex, which in nearly all cases, is not compatible with “easy to use.” Learn how to apply a user-centered design (UCD) approach to specifying and selecting software to both decrease effort, as well as increase the likelihood of success.

Tags: #Business, #RFP

Not sure what technology would be best for your project? Our experts can work with you to figure that out.

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