Reader's Corner 48: WordPress Core Editing Improvements, High Sierra (M)AMP Stack Setup, and A Fine Start New Tab Page

David Gouch
Jeanette Larsen

We are already mourning the end of the State Fair, but for our health's sake it's probably good that it only lasts a few weeks. :) This week we are sharing about WordPress core editing improvements, (M)AMP stack set up with macOS 10.13, and a new tab page tool – A Fine Start.

macOS 10.13 High Sierra (M)AMP Stack Setup

Frank Yonnetti

Source: Grav CMS

Takeaway: So MAMP Pro is a great local development tool we use and I have been unable to find alternatives that work exactly the same way. But recently, MAMP has been crashing within a few hours of re/starting it. Apache, PHP and MySQL will continue to run, but the MAMP UI was completely frozen. I would have to force quit and restart MAMP to adjust any settings needed. Well thanks to Homebrew I can say goodbye to the crashes.

Tags: #LAMP, #Local, #MAMP, #Homebrew

A Fine Start: The new tab page you’ll actually use

Jeanette Larsen

Source: A Fine Start

Takeaway: I have never been very good at organizing my tab page or using the default ones provided. I was recommended A Fine Start and have found it to be a great fit. It's extremely simple and sleek looking. You can easily add new links, organize them into groups, and drag and drop to order.

Tags: #NewTabPage, #Organization

Code Editing Improvements in WordPress 4.9

David Gouch

Source: Make WordPress Core

Takeaway: I see this as a great example of the extremely difficult world of making decisions about product direction. How do you choose between conflicting directions when you have large groups of users on both sides saying their direction is important to them? In this case, WordPress is trying to satisfy both camps and it winds up in a perplexing place: The blog post calls out all the work to add an extremely nice web coding experience to the admin section — it’s a nontrivial amount of work — but at the same time they’re adding a new warning: *This feature can break your site, don’t ever use this!* Maybe that’s actually a solution both sides can be happy with. But you can’t help but wonder if a difficult decision eventually has to be made.

Tags: #ProductDesign

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