Reader's Corner No. 27: Tinder's Smart Photos, Browser Engine Explained, Avoiding Online Marketing Mistakes, 3 Project Manager Calendar Tools

Jeanette Larsen

This week we are covering a wide range of topics, including Tinder's Smart Photos, explaining what a browser engine is, online marketing mistakes and how to avoid them, and 3 different tools to create a project manager calendar.

Smart Photos

David Gouch

Source: Tinder Tech Blog

Takeaway: A writeup on how Tinder's Smart Photos feature was created. Rather than running a simple a/b test (all options shown equally until the test is over), they add in some multi-armed bandit smarts, which means obviously bad options will be hidden. So if that hat's not doing you any favors, Tinder's got your back.

Tags: #AbTexting, #AbFlexing

Quantum Up Close: What is a browser engine?

Frank Yonnetti

Source: Twitter

Takeaway: Mozilla is great at producing documentation and articles related to web development. In this article the author breaks down, in a very simple format, how a web browser engine works.

Tags: #Browser, #Speed, #Modern

The 4 scariest online marketing disasters and how to avoid them

David Minton

Source: Search Engine Watch

Takeaway: Countless hours of work, possible a big chunk of your marketing budget, and your organization’s website is finally paying a return on investment. Then suddenly, the site, search traffic, or online reputation is gone due to an avoidable blunder. Search Engine Watch highlights four things to keep an eye on to avoid a web-related disaster. I have seen them all, and more, and plan a future blog installment on the subject.

Tags: #Disaster, #BestPractices

3 Ways to Create Your Project Manager Calendar

Michael Nicholson

Source: Wrike Blog

Takeaway: The article discusses three technology solutions for managing a project calendar, ranging from familiar and inefficient (Excel), to intermediate (Google Calendar), all the way to specific Project Management solutions (Gantt charts, supported by many Project Management tools, including Teamwork).

Finding a way to manage and share the project calendar is critical to efficient collaboration on the project.

Tags: #ProjectManagement, #Teamwork

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