Reader's Corner No. 26: Product Market Juicer Question, CSS Peeper, and Chrome Encryption Requirements

Jeanette Larsen

We've had a few busy weeks during this conference season, but are happy to be sharing a few favorite articles with you. This week we're reading about a product market scenario, the Chrome extension tool CSS Peeper, and Chrome's upcoming encryption requirements.

Silicon Valley’s $400 juicer may be feeling the squeeze

David Gouch

Source: Bloomberg

Takeaway: This story made the rounds a couple weeks ago as a humorous tale — and it is — but I'll be curious to see where this company is in a year. I think market analysts constantly underestimate what people will pay for (at least what they believe to be) convenience.

Tags: #ProductMarketFit

Introducing CSS Peeper: Smart CSS viewer tailored for Designers

Jeanette Larsen

Source: Medium

Takeaway: CSS Peeper is a Chrome extension for designers that helps save time inspecting CSS styles. This inspector helps the user easily find the styles, typography, colors, and allows you to inspect a single element and download all assets with one click.

Tags: #CSS, #ChromeExtension, #Design

Next Steps Toward More Connection Security

David Minton

Source: Google Security Blog

Takeaway: Back in January of this year, Google Chrome began displaying a “Not secure” warning for any HTTP page with credit card number or password fields. In October 2017, Google will extend the warnings to any HTTP page that allows content entry. The solution is to enable HTTPS via Transport Layer Security (TLS) or its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), both often referred to as “SSL.” If your site doesn’t encrypt communication between the server and client browser, you need to begin encrypting data before October, or be prepared to receive complaints from users.

Tags: #Security, #Google

Need to make sure your site is secure? Our development team is here to help.

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