David's Blog Posts

Our offices will be closed from Christmas Eve through New Years, and each of us will be celebrating or relaxing in a variety of ways. Read about some of our favorite traditions and holiday plans. We hope you all have a wonderful and safe holidays and will see you in 2018!
This week we are sharing three articles with a wide range in topics, they include: the 2:1 aspect ratio is everywhere, getting your site ready for Google's mobile-first indexing, and the Triangle UXPA Workshop: Overcoming and Managing Project Challenges with Brett Harned.
This week we are sharing three articles with a wide range in topics, they include: the 2:1 aspect ratio is everywhere, getting your site ready for Google's mobile-first indexing, and the Triangle UXPA Workshop: Overcoming and Managing Project Challenges with Brett Harned.
This week we are sharing three articles with a wide range in topics, they include: the 2:1 aspect ratio is everywhere, getting your site ready for Google's mobile-first indexing, and the Triangle UXPA Workshop: Overcoming and Managing Project Challenges with Brett Harned.
A chill has settled on the North Carolina air. It's perfect weather for hunkering down in the office and working hard. We are heading into the end of the year and we are heads-down on a number of site builds, building some new internal tools, and planning our end of year office party. Pour some hot cocoa and enjoy this month's round of updates!
A chill has settled on the North Carolina air. It's perfect weather for hunkering down in the office and working hard. We are heading into the end of the year and we are heads-down on a number of site builds, building some new internal tools, and planning our end of year office party. Pour some hot cocoa and enjoy this month's round of updates!