Michael's Blog Posts

A chill has settled on the North Carolina air. It's perfect weather for hunkering down in the office and working hard. We are heading into the end of the year and we are heads-down on a number of site builds, building some new internal tools, and planning our end of year office party. Pour some hot cocoa and enjoy this month's round of updates!
A chill has settled on the North Carolina air. It's perfect weather for hunkering down in the office and working hard. We are heading into the end of the year and we are heads-down on a number of site builds, building some new internal tools, and planning our end of year office party. Pour some hot cocoa and enjoy this month's round of updates!
Finding a web designer is easy. Finding a good web designer that will deliver results is more difficult. Even tougher is contracting a great agency. The best are in demand and selective in who they choose to work with. Since reputation is everything in our industry, the best will only consider projects that have a high likelihood of success.
Finding a web designer is easy. Finding a good web designer that will deliver results is more difficult. Even tougher is contracting a great agency. The best are in demand and selective in who they choose to work with. Since reputation is everything in our industry, the best will only consider projects that have a high likelihood of success.
We are all hunkered down over here in the DesignHammer office, and pretty heads down trying to finish up work before the holiday break. That being said, we still have some awesome articles to share with you: comparing chat and voice interfaces, the making of the Stranger Things title sequence, Scrum for newbies, and how to use HTML heading elements properly.
We are all hunkered down over here in the DesignHammer office, and pretty heads down trying to finish up work before the holiday break. That being said, we still have some awesome articles to share with you: comparing chat and voice interfaces, the making of the Stranger Things title sequence, Scrum for newbies, and how to use HTML heading elements properly.