Hunter's Blog Posts

Sharing some pretty fun articles with our followers today in our 69th edition of Reader's Corner! Keep reading to learn more about the rise of Webmentions (@mentions) on the internet, the creative aesthetic behind the classic 1991 video game "Another World," and an entertaining run-through of some of the funniest things to ask Alexa.
It's been a busy month for the DesignHammer team! In addition to business as usual, we've also been giving a few overdue internal tasks some much needed TLC this summer. Reviving our newsletter and social media presence was just the first step of many efforts that we are taking to improve the DesignHammer brand, vision, and message. Be sure to keep up with us over the next following months to see what we have in store!
How easy was it to find our blog on our website? What about our team section? Our designers and developers are constantly scrutinizing potential UI/UX concepts, especially as we redesign our website. So it's only appropriate for this week's RC theme to cover trends & news in the world of UI design! Find out how Ubisoft is approaching accessibility, the origins of UI design's historical use of [x] to close a window, and 7 elements of good UX in 2018.
How easy was it to find our blog on our website? What about our team section? Our designers and developers are constantly scrutinizing potential UI/UX concepts, especially as we redesign our website. So it's only appropriate for this week's RC theme to cover trends & news in the world of UI design! Find out how Ubisoft is approaching accessibility, the origins of UI design's historical use of [x] to close a window, and 7 elements of good UX in 2018.
How easy was it to find our blog on our website? What about our team section? Our designers and developers are constantly scrutinizing potential UI/UX concepts, especially as we redesign our website. So it's only appropriate for this week's RC theme to cover trends & news in the world of UI design! Find out how Ubisoft is approaching accessibility, the origins of UI design's historical use of [x] to close a window, and 7 elements of good UX in 2018.
What tech trends can the team teach us today? I'm glad you asked! The DesignHammer team is back at it again and ready to share their finds of the week. Today we are covering how artificial intelligence is benefiting the business world, updates on the Vue CLI release, and Google Tag Manager for structured data.