Reader's Corner No. 69: Enabling Better Internet Communication, Another World, and the Funniest Things to Ask Alexa

David Gouch
Hunter Deschepper

Sharing some pretty fun articles with our followers today in our 69th edition of Reader's Corner! Keep reading to learn more about the rise of Webmentions (@mentions) on the internet, the creative aesthetic behind the classic 1991 video game "Another World," and an entertaining run-through of some of the funniest things to ask Alexa.

Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet

David Minton

Source: A List Apart

Takeaway: Widely referred to as @mentions and @replies, mentions have become a popular method of communication on social platforms. Originally attributed to Twitter, mentions have expanded to many other social platforms, but until recently, have lacked an open platform to allow them to break out of their siloed networks. Webmentions, now supported by the W3C, provides a means for websites to notify each other, verify authenticity, and allow for programmatic publication on the mentioned website. In his latest blog post for A List Apart Chris Aldrich provides an overview of Webmentions, as well as starting point for adding the new protocol to projects.

Tags: #SocialMedia, #Integrations, #Development

Another World

David Gouch

Source: The Digital Antiquarian

Takeaway: The classic 1991 french platform game "Another World", was a memorable (though, definitely retro) play for me, so I loved reading this retrospective. It’s fun to examine these techniques (e.g. rotoscoping) — experiments that were unusual and advanced for the time, but not the ultimate direction the industry moved in. It's interesting to see which trails of art ultimately hit a dead-end.

Tags: #Gaming

The Funniest Things to Ask Alexa

Hunter Kenny

Source: Digital Trends

Takeaway: This article is very humorous and well worth the read. It makes me wonder why I didn't go into the AI joke writing industry, can you believe people get paid to write these responses? That would be my ultimate dream job.

Tags: #Humor, #AI

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