Reader's Corner No.20: Accessible Email Newsletters, Too Much Risk Management, Scheduling Social Media Content, and CSS Grid Layout

Jeanette Larsen

We want to share some highlights from our readings this week, including the following topics: accessible email newsletters, too much risk management, scheduling social media content, and CSS Grid Layout.

How to design accessible email newsletters

David Minton

Source: BBC GEL (Global Experience Language)

Takeaway: More and more organizations are recognizing the importance of providing accessible websites to their users with special needs. Unfortunately, not everyone considers extending support to other digital platforms, such as email. Luckily, the same techniques used for websites are easily applied to mass emails such as newsletters to provide accessible content. A good reference for getting started is the BBC’s internal design guidelines, referred to as their Global Experience Language, intended to “create consistent and delightful user experiences” across all of their Digital Services.

Tags: #Accessibility, #Email, #Newsletters

How to Schedule Social Media Content for Next Week, Next Month, and Next Year

Jeanette Larsen

Source: Buffer Social

Takeaway: "A solid social media schedule leaves room for real-time updates. Planning content on social media still allows for flexibility to the schedule and provides opportunities to slip in real-time engagement."

Tags: #SocialMedia, #Planning

CSS Grid Layout: A New Layout Module for the Web

David Gouch

Source: WebKit Blog

Takeaway: An introduction to the new grid display layout option in CSS. It seems easier to grasp than flexbox, to me, but will still require learning new concepts. The weirdest new concept: whitespace-sensitive, ASCII table–like values.

Tags: #CSS, #Layout

Avoiding the trap of TOO much risk management

Michael Nicholson

Source: Easy in theory, difficult in practice - Blog

Takeaway: "Risk management is necessary for successful project management. However, there can be too much of a good thing. Excessive risk analysis pulls resources away from other portions of the project and can delay or paralyze the process.

There are three types of risk that should receive different types of analysis:

  • Medium to high severity uncertainties that matter: these should receive detailed analysis and planning
  • Low severity uncertainties that matter: these should be identified and watched, but unless there are signs they are occurring they should not receive additional time
  • Uncertainties that don't matter: management resources can be help back in case these change, but no other resources should be expended"

Tags: #ProjectManagement, RiskManagement

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