Reader's Corner No.9: Improving Staff Pages, Using a Calendar, and Being Well-Rounded

Jeanette Larsen

Some highlights from our readings this week include: improving staff pages, using a calendar, and being well-rounded.

Staff Pages with Style

David Minton

Source: Website Magazine

Takeaway: One of the easiest ways to engage and build trust current and potential customers to expand and enhance your website’s staff section. At DesignHammer, the staff section is one of the most trafficked areas of our site, and one we are constantly refining and improving.

Tags: #Content, #Strategy, #Engagement

Take Control of Your Project Plan Calendar

Michael Nicholson

Source: Wrike Project Management Blog

Takeaway: One of the most valuable resources a Project Manager has is time; this may be work hours, calendar days, or even just personal time. In order to balance all the needs of a single project (much less multiple projects), the project calendar must be understood, built, and monitored. By setting realistic milestones, leveraging technology (such as project management software), keeping open communication between the various parties, and being aware of the potential need for modifying the calendar, a project manager will have an easier time keeping projects moving in the right direction.

Tags: #Planning, #Calendar

Specialization is Overrated: On Being Kinda Good at Many Things

Jeanette Larsen

Source: Brazen Blog

Takeaway: The author shows how it is positive to be someone who with a wide breadth of skills, especially if you are an small business owner. Being curious and having choices is empowering. However, it is important to realize though that you don’t have endless time in a day, so you have to pick and choose what you will do yourself and where you will turn to others.

Tags: #Learning, #Curiosity

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