Kosta's Blog Posts

Explanation of workflow and tools for developing with Drupal install profiles and Drush Make.
An overview of how to relocate your modules and themes to sites/all and discontinue use of a Drupal install profile.
David Minton, Managing Partner of DesignHammer, has been honored by Business Leader Media as one of the 2012 Top 50 Entrepreneurs of the Triangle. The Top 50 Entrepreneur Award is given to dynamic and outstanding business professionals who greatly contribute to the growth of their communities.
A new year is a great time to break out of old habits and establish new ones. At the January meeting of the DesignHammer hosted RTP Search Engine Optimization Meetup, the group discussed our resolutions for improving our search engine optimization efforts in 2012. Here are some of our top resolutions.
I had the pleasure of presenting at the January meeting of the NCTech4Good Meetup held at the offices of United Way of the Greater Triangle in Morrisville, NC. The talk covered similarities between Usability, Accessibility, and SEO, a topic I first addressed here in 2009. Since my initial blog post, I assembled a talk, which I have presented at multiple venues, inclusing BarCampRDU, Internet Summit in Raleigh, as well as Wake Technical Community College.
Notable websites including Wired and Wikipedia marked Wednesday as a day of protest against two pieces of proposed legislation currently being considered by the United States Congress. If enacted, these bills, “Stop Online Piracy Act” and “Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011” would force major changes in how website owners managed their online properties and most likely resulting in limits on free speech.