Juneteenth is now officially recognized as a federal holiday. Why is this significant and how are other tech companies celebrating Juneteenth in 2022?
Each search engine uses a different algorithm—the software that determines which pages turn up for any search. That’s why results on Google are different from those of Bing, and other competing search engines. As a significant business asset, these algorithms are kept secret, though it is suspected they receive updates often. Generally, the updates are minor, and difficult for the average user to notice. Google rolled out an update last week, but this one was different, and people took notice.
Changes may be in the works in laws covering the collection or use of data that can be connected to website visitors, whether it is a specific person or simply tied to a device such as computer, or mobile phone. Yesterday, Federal Trade Commission staff issued a press release outlining the commission’s recommendations for overhauling how businesses handle online privacy issues.
Get more opinionated online and it can help you get better customer service. The social media analytics service Klout is quantifying your social influence, so develop your networks and reap the rewards!
An email concerning a "Notice of Internet Intellectual Property Rights Dispute in China" seems to be traveling around the Internet recently, spurring a number of clients to contact DesignHammer inquiring what to do. The email in questions seems pretty official. Is it true, SPAM, or a scam? Let's consider the possibilities.
Last week as part of Internet Week events in New York City, Mashable presented their very first Mashable Media Summit. The day was full of an excellent array of speakers from organizations such as Starbucks, CNN, Foursquare, The Red Cross, and included a special presentation from Edward Norton to introduce his new philanthropy website, Crowdrise. Here is a brief summary of Ricky Van Veen's presentation on the "10 Web Content Urban Legends," which could also be appropriately titled, "Guidelines for Creating Great Web Content."
Privacy issues aside, what is Facebook offering to its users that people are spending an average of 7 hours per month on the site?