Reader's Corner No. 65: N64 VR with Javascript, Why Your Emails Deserve Better Context, and the Future of Pokemon GO

Hunter Deschepper

Keeping our fingers on the keys so you can keep your finger on the pulse; our team is excited to present this week's Reader's Corner! Today we will be discussing N64 VR with Javascript, why your emails and recipients deserve better context, and the anticipated future of Pokemon GO.

N64 VR with Javascript

Jay Roberts

Source: Medium

Takeaway: Chrome's devtools are the best way to profile javascript code.

Tags: #Javascript, #VR


Your Emails (and Recipients) Deserve Better Context

David Minton

Source: A List Apart

Takeaway: Despite competition from other services email is still an important platform for communication, especially for websites that involve user accounts. From the initial account creation verification, users will need to quickly and easily grasp the purpose of the message from only the email's sender, subject line, and possibly preheader. Are these elements being crafted with as much (or more) care than the content of the emails, or are they left as an afterthought for developers to insert at the last minute? Garrett Dimon reviews the basics of effective email generation, along with good and bad examples of the elements he covers in his latest post at A List Apart.

Tags: #Email, #UX

The Future of Pokemon GO?

Hunter Kenny

Source: DailyMail

Takeaway: The recent Pokemon GO update has brought many trainers back to the game (myself included), since the app launched back in 2016. With a new set of eyes and pressure on the Pokemon GO app creator Niantic, the company has apparently acquired a London start-up called Matrix Mill, which has invented a new AI technology that uses an advanced neural network to infer information about the surrounding world from one or more cameras. What does this have to do with GO you might ask? This means that once the technology is applied properly to the app, it will be able to render much more realistic AR interactions when it comes to catching Pokemon in the game. Ideally, the Pokemon will now be able to interact with the outside world, hiding behind objects in the real world and essentially making capturing 'Mon much more realistic and difficult to accomplish. As a huge fan of the game, the news in this article is incredibly exciting and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Niantic's next movements within the GO universe.

Tags: #AR, #MobileApps, #AI, #iOS, #Android

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