Reader's Corner No. 37: Book Clubs, Managing Multiple Projects Part 3, and Passwords Evolved

This week part of our team is out at Drupal GovCon 2017, in Bethesda, MD, and a few others are enjoying a nice vacation. Even with the busyness, we want to make time to share a few articles with you! We have been reading about book clubs and shared group knowledge, part 3 of 5 on managing multiple projects, and passwords evolved for the modern era.

Most book clubs are doing it wrong

David Gouch

Source: James Somers

Takeaway: A simple critique of the default format for a book club. It’s an obvious point in retrospect: Discussing an entire book once *after* you’ve read it kinda negates the entire strength of working on something in a group — the *shared* knowledge and teaching that can occur as you go.

Tags: #Reading

5 Most Common Mistakes in Managing Multiple Projects: Project Schedules (Part 3 of 5)

Michael Nicholson

Source: Wrike Blog

Takeaway: By keeping all project schedules in an integrated location you can manage the variety of projects without the additional complication of manual reconciliation of projects. This also can create transparency for employees to monitor project progress.

Tags: #ProjectManagement

Passwords Evolved: Authentication Guidance for the Modern Era

Jay Roberts

Source: Troy Hunt

Takeaway: Authentication online has changed dramatically since the early days of the web. It's important to re-evaluate the received wisdom from days past and focus on approaches which provide real security.

Tags: #Security

Is it time to evaluate the security of your site? Not sure where to start? Our experts have you covered.

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