In Response to Pandemic, Small Businesses Are Now Motivated to Reinvent their Operational Workflow

Hunter Deschepper

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Amidst all of the economic downturns and culture clashes currently ravaging America at the moment, there is a silver lining that has appeared as a result of the coronavirus pandemic that even I myself have taken note of. There are a lot of factors related to working in an office and interacting with coworkers face-to-face that we all miss and there are also a lot of things that working from home has made next to impossible to complete; not to mention a thousand news articles out there in cyberspace with in-depth descriptions of the WFH fatigue felt around the world, a novel experience for the majority of white-collar employees even in today’s age.

So much of our mental energy is being put towards contemplating all of the downsides, that it’s rather satisfying to see an article list all of the upsides that this pandemic has brought into the professional landscape – particularly for small businesses; a category of corporations that have markedly been hit the hardest so far. In separate but related news; we have also published a “COVID Client Spotlight Series” which also attempts to list some positive ways that our clients have shown creativity and resilience as they pivot to a virtual workflow. So far we have interviewed Duke Health and the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED).

The main pandemic upside that I’m referring to is the fact that businesses are being cornered into addressing and adapting their outdated practices to the modern-day. Probably the most noteworthy example is the transition to a paperless workflow, which not only has environmental benefits, but also encourages the (for lack of a better word) “technologically-impaired” customers–to rethink and evolve their relationship with digital devices if they want to continue accessing a particular product or service. As a web development company, we often run into technology-averse clients who have trouble properly engaging with our online project management workflow; so we are quite familiar with how annoying these situations can be. The article lists many other positive takes on the changing business landscape, but we know the one we personally benefit from is seeing a few select clients “go digital” by their own accord versus us providing in-depth walkthroughs of some people might find to be intuitive, which we are always happy to provide clients with, but In order to provide some directional leadership, I have written a Work-From-Home Guide in which I address the ways newly distributed workforces can combat COVID-19 from home.


Grocery stores adapt to serve customers in response to stay-at-home orders


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