Reader's Corner No.2: Legal Social Media, Multitasking, and PageSpeed

Jeanette Larsen

This week at DesignHammer we are talking about posting legally on social media, managing multiple projects, and improving page speed.

How to Post on Social Media Without Getting Sued

David Minton

Source: American Marketing Association

Takeaway: Many people, even those that should and do know better, are lax in thinking through the legal ramifications what they post to social media. If you would need permission to use an image or text in a television commercial or print ad, you should really think twice before posting to social media without first getting permission.

Tags: #Marketing, #Social Media, #Internet law

7 Easy Ways to Manage Multiple Projects (and Keep Clients Happy)

Michael Nicholson

Source: Team Gantt

Takeaway: Managing multiple projects for multiple clients requires strong organizational skills, clear communication, and disciple. Seven key items to keep in mind are: Set the right expectation; sort projects by client; organize files and folders by client; track time spent on each client; schedule client meetings, project milestones, and tasks on your calendar; schedule the next day’s agenda before going to bed; and say ‘no’ when necessary. While none of these are earth shatteringly insightful, the combination of mindset and process makes it easier to juggle the changing priorities of managing multiple projects.

Tags: #Project Management

PageSpeed Insights

Jeanette Larsen

Source: Google Developers

Takeaway: You invest countless hours designing your website to look just right and to be full of interesting and relevant content. But do you have an idea how quickly pages load and what kind of effect this has on your user? You can quickly test your website’s page speed, and Google will provide a score for both desktop and mobile. While the score is nice to know, the real benefit comes from the list of suggested fixes to improve your speed.

Tags: #Pagespeed, #Optimization

Don't have the technical know-how or time to make your site faster? No worries, we are here to help.

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