Reader's Corner No.12: Star Wars Details, Google Approved Links, Social Media Checklist, and Improved Tab Sorting

Jeanette Larsen

One thing that makes DesignHammer unique is our diverse team. Each week team members invest time reading about individual interests to stay relevant. For example, this week a few things we read about include: Star Wars details, Google approved links, social media checklist, and improved tab sorting.

The Death Star and the Final Trench Run

David Gouch

Source: FXRant

Takeaway: The vulnerable trench Luke and friends deftly maneuver down in order to turn that first Death Star into space dust — where exactly is it? Is it the very prominent groove circling the Death Star’s center? Many fans think it is, some official merchandise thinks it is — even the movie itself seems to imply it is in some shots. But they’re all wrong. Educate yourself.

Tags: #Canon

The social media marketing checklist your business needs in 2017

David Minton

Source: Search Engine Watch

Takeaway: Social media marketing, in one way, shape, or form, is here to stay. How to be effective, however, is constantly evolving as the networks, and users, get more sophisticated in their consumption of content. Having a plan, and sticking to it, is essential to improve your chance at successfully harnessing this powerful marketing channel.

Tags: #SocialMedia, #Marketing, #HowTo

Tab Sort — Improving Tabs in Firefox

Frank Yonnetti

Source: Prototyping: From UX to Front End

Takeaway: UI/UX design has always been an interest of mine and is a big part of what I do at DesignHammer. This article describes a common problem almost every web user encounters, too many browser tabs opened at once. They came up with a solution I would love to use which is grouping tabs based on preference. Personally I would like to use the domian grouping. One tool I use to help me with this UI problem is called Tap Scope . It shows a screen preview of the tab when you roll-over it.

Tags: #UX, #Browser

What Links Can You Get That Comply with Google's Guidelines? - Whiteboard Friday

Stephen Pashby

Source: MOZ

Takeaway: An updated list of suggestions for getting good, natural links to your content. In short:

  1. Ask for links
  2. Get links from appropriate directories
  3. Get links through industry connections
  4. Request links on brand mentions that do not include a link
  5. Reclaim broken links
  6. Do awesome things to attract publicity
  7. Contact the press and offer interviews if they link to you
  8. Keep an eye on HARO (Help A Reporter Out) email lists
  9. Ask linkers what content would be helpful to their readers
  10. Create content that is 10X better than anything else on the web

Tags: #SEO, #ContentMarketing

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