Reader's Corner No. 95: Design's Role in Politics, Weird AI in Aliens: Colonial Marines, and a Game to Test UI Skills

David Gouch
Hunter Deschepper

The Reader's Corner topic of conversations this Thursday include political marketing design, AI bugs in gaming, and user-interface design.

Want to Become the Next U.S. President? Change the Color of Your Logo

David Minton

Source: AIGA Eye on Design

Takeaway: "In design as well as marketing, the simplest elements often take far more effort than it would seem. When it comes to logos, and slogans, to seem effortless takes a lot of work. AIGA Eye on Design takes a look at what is often dull and monotonous: presidential campaign logos. While seen by hundreds of millions, the candidates and their advisors are often afraid to do anything daring, hence a sea of red white, and blue. Kamala Harris, only the second African American woman elected to the US Senate, is already breaking the mold in declaring her candidacy for US President, so taking risks in design isn’t a stretch for her. Eschewing the ever present patriotic colors, Harris’ campaign went for red and yellow, with type set in heavy slab serif. This is both fresh a different, and also a homage to the campaign design style of Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to Congress, who ran for President in 1972.

Harris’ slogan “Kamala Harris, for the people” seems simple and effortless, but attempts to resonate on multiple levels. It both harkens back to her first day in court as a prosecuting attorney, reminding people of her career culminating as Attorney General of California, as well as a reminder that she isn’t running to serve special interest groups. It will be interesting to see if this is the start of a trend to break the traditional campaign mold, or just a curious outlier. Tougher to determine will be what effect the design will have in influencing voter support for Harris’ campaign."

Tags: #Design, #Marketing

A Years-Old, One-Letter Typo Led to Aliens: Colonial Marines' Weird AI

David Gouch

Source: Ars Technica

Takeaway: We have so many technical ways of catching bugs and mistakes before they ship, but you have to allot time to set them up and time to run them. Skipping parts of a guardrail process is so tempting when it’s just a “small change.” And it often works out, but it’s important to be reminded that it is a risk and process is there for a reason.

Tags: #QA

Play This Simple Design Game to Test Your UI Knowledge

Hunter Kenny

Source: The Verge

Takeaway: This article covers a fun little online game that anybody can play to test their understanding of user-interface design. Similar to one of those "spot the difference" games, the user must pay sharp attention to spot the differences between two images, and recognize things like incorrectly bolded text, imprecise image aspect ratios, wrong icon colors and more. To the untrained eye these differences wouldn't usually stand out or seem very obvious, but to a UI designer they're cringe-worthy.

If you want to skip the article you can click here to play the game instead.

Tags: #Design, #UI, #UX

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