Reader's Corner No. 44: Game of Thrones Season 7 Character Ranking, Moving WordPress Website to HTTPS, and the V for Wikipedia App

Jeanette Larsen

We try to bring all you readers a variety of topics each week, and this edition is no different as we cover the political science ranking of characters in Game of Throne's Season 7, whether you should consider moving your WordPress website to HTTPS, and the V for Wikipedia app.

Game of Thrones season 7: Each character's strategy, ranked by political science

David Gouch

Source: Vox

Takeaway: A review of the moves GoT players took in season 7. Where they started and ended the season, who made mistakes, and who got what they wanted?

Tags: #Politics

Should I move my WordPress website to HTTPS?

David Minton

Source: Search Engine Watch

Takeaway: I have posted a number of articles in the last few months concerning upgrading websites to HTTPS by enabling Transport Layer Security (TLS) or its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). In the past, this was regarding data security via encryption, or avoiding security warnings for users of Google's Chrome web browser. This time, Search Engine Watch explains the importance of HTTPS for search results. Google uses HTTPS as a signal; a factor used in determining the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) position for a site. While HTTPS is currently a “light” signal, at any time Google may adjust its algorithm to increase the value, so why wait until tomorrow when there are already other reasons to upgrade site security today, if you have not done so already.

Tags: #Security, #WordPress

V for Wikipedia: A Reading Interface To Discover The World

Jeanette Larsen

Source: MacStories

Takeaway: The award winning app, V for Wikipedia, brings a beautiful typographical and mapping experience to the user. You can take a look at trending topics, use the app as an interactive travel guide, personalize your reading experience, and enjoy it all on a variety of devices. Its definitely worth checking out if Wikipedia is one of your go-to resources (or would be if it was more beautiful).

Tags: #Typography, #Mobile, #Wikipedia

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