Kosta's Blog Posts

Ten Drupalers from the Triangle community gathered at DesignHammer to work on Drupal core and contributed modules, next coder lounge is scheduled for October 7.
Members of the DesignHammer team will speak in Washington, D.C. at the Capital Camp and Gov Days conference, which aims to engage government IT professionals in open source technologies and strategy.
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner created to implement the many repetitive tasks most developers have to do everyday. This post serves as a brief overview and introduction of Grunt.
DesignHammer will host a Drupal Coder Lounge at our office on Wednesday July 16 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
Last week we were thrilled to learn that a site we developed, the North Carolina High School Athletic Assocation (NCHSAA) was selected as Best Sports Website in the 2014 Blue Drop Awards. Over the coming weeks we'll write a few posts highlighting some of the features of the site. In this post, I want to focus on some of the performance techniques we used to ensure quick page loads.
Today marks the 70th anniversary of Operation Overlord, the code name for the Allied invasion of Normandy, on June 6, 1944. Through three notes written on the eve of the invasion, step into the shoes of General Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force, to see what it takes to be a great leader.